After four seasons her character was cut from the show in a most interesting way. Jaimee Foxworth is most known for her part of Judy Winslow, the youngest daughter on TV Show Family Matters. These four scores determine the overall score. Our score - How much we like the sex tape.Popularity - This is celeb rating, which is generated from user votes.Quality - Is sex tape of good quality or can you barely see anything.(1:under 5 minutes, 2:5 to 10 minutes, 3:10 to 15 minutes, 4: 15-20 minutes and 5: over 20 minutes) We wanted the rating to be as objective as we could make it, so only one of the four ratings is our score. So since we have seen all tapes multiple times anyway, we decided to go trough them once more and rate them. While researching the sex tapes we found out, that in most cases they are released by ex-boyfriend/girlfriend for some quick cash or the celebrities release them on their own for self promotion.īut while some celebrity sex tapes are great, others barely deserve the name sex tape. So when one decides to show us some skin or in this case some sex skills we all jump at the chance to see them in action.